Pushing Out MATE 1.8 RC Packages

For the last few days, i have been pushing MATE 1.8 RC packages to master branch in msb github repository for public testing. I even made a new LQ thread about this. Here are some more information about the current status.
  • All base/ packages have been upgraded to 1.7.90
  • Only 2 packages in extra/ that have been upgraded to 1.7.90
  • There is 1 package left that hasn't been bumped to 1.7.0 (mate-bluetooth) which is still in heavy development for supporting bluez5.
You can help by testing MATE 1.8 RC packages. Go clone the repository using git and run the mate-build-base.sh and mate-build-extra.sh (please remove the mate-bluetooth line first or it will stop your compile process). I have been testing it on a VM and it's working very nice here. You will not get the BIG surprise changes like in KDE, but it's more like a evolutionary changes.

Anyway, one of the most-wanted feature that has been implemented in MATE 1.8 is the new window snapping feature. You can enable it directly from command line after you upgraded to marco 1.7.x using this command:
dconf write org/mate/marco/general/side-by-side-tiling true
or enable it via Mate Control Center:
System > MATE Control Center > Windows
Tick Enable side by side tilling

Check out other new features in MATE 1.8 in their roadmap