Security Update and Next Development Cycle

There was one security update releases yesterday and that was subversion. No other changes were made, both on stable and current release.

It's been almost 4 months since Slackware 14.1 gets released last November and there's no sign of the start of -current development again. Usually (based on history), it will start after 3-4 months after the last -stable release to give Pat some time to break from endless testing and debugging preparing for the stable release.

One of the most problematic problem for the next cycle is probably upstream's decision to integrate systemd in some projects. While this does not apply to all upstream projects, but i do hope that if it does, it should not be mandatory to have systemd installed and there's a configure parameter that can disable or build without systemd.

Speaking about systemd, Bart van der Hall has attempted to build systemd on top of Slackware and he has published his work on this home page. There's also a lengthy discussion about it on LQ, which is interesting to follow if you are curious about how to implement systemd on Slackware.

Personally i don't like the idea of systemd which tried to handle everything on your system with a massive changes, but i have my respect to Bart who keep doing his good work and finally produce something which is proven to be a working system without breaking compatibility with Slackware. He has given two options for users to build system with/without PAM support. Some members of LQ has given an early test and they reported it was working on their machines. Kudos to Bart.

For me personally, next current development cycle will be very interesting to follow. Well, it's always interesting to see every -current cycle :)

Slackware-Current is the development snapshot for the next Slackware release. It's considered beta testing even though 99% of all cases it is very stable (it rarely break and if it does, it gets fixed very quick) and i even used it on my desktop and workstation at home and in the office.
Nevertheless, you should stick to Slackware 14.1 if you prefer to enjoy a stable release.