VMware Technology Alliance Partner Blog: VMware Developer Center – Simplifying and Accelerating Access to VMware Partner Programs

We are excited to share with you the general availability release of VMware Developer Center. With this release, Developer Center dramatically improves the overall experience of our certification and developer communities, by providing a single location for SDK’s, certification kits and tools, architectural overviews, a broad range of developer tools and recipes, plus a wealth of other information. Here’s how Mallik Mahalingam, CEO of Storvisor, put it:

“Storvisor is extremely happy that VMware has unified many portals into a single one stop portal, the VMware Developer Center. The new portal saves time and makes it easier to find the resources that we need to enhance our unique integration with the vSphere vCloud Suite. We are impressed with VMware’s commitment to providing significant development resources to support partners like Storvisor. Working with VMware, Storvisor is looking forward to delivering a ground-breaking solution for its customers.”

The first thing you will notice is that there is a significant amount of information now available without logging in or joining a specific program. This enables both existing and potential partners to easily discover, research, and identify the technologies and programs most relevant to them and to start the process of onboarding into a program. There are also multiple ways you can locate this valuable information (e.g. through search, technology pages, program pages, etc.), so access times have been reduced by several orders of magnitude compared to previous means.

Once in a program, your content and experience is customized based on your profile and program entitlements. Upon login, you are presented with a personalized home page with direct links to all of your programs, tools, certification and development kits, and specific content updates since your last login, enabling quick and easy access to the key information you need to be successful.

VMware offers a wide range of Programs to facilitate the enablement of our Partners’ hardware and software products on the VMware platform, as well as differentiated and customized solutions. Additionally, VMware Ecosystem & Solution Engineering provides development support, training, and other types of services to accelerate our Partners’ success.

Step 1: Finding the right program for you

Understanding what solutions you are trying to create, what similar solutions have been certified and listed by other Partners , and which VMware products you are developing to are the first steps in discovering the right program to meet your needs.

Step 1: Finding the right program for you

Understanding what solutions you are trying to create, what similar solutions have been certified and listed by other Partners, and which VMware products you are developing to are the first steps in discovering the right program to meet your needs.

Step 2: Understanding the Program requirements

Once you have identified the programs you are interested in, the next step is to understand the requirements for participation. Most of our programs require an active membership in VMware’s Technology Alliance Partner (TAP) Program. The TAP Program includes additional benefits and has its own membership requirements. First check which level of TAP Program membership is required for the program you are interested, and then check the TAP Program Requirements for more information.

Before applying for the TAP Program make sure you have identified a suitable program and include that information in your application.

Step 3: Apply for a program

Some of our programs require membership fees, most require you to sign an agreement, but the first step is to apply. Contact us at technologypartnerprograms@vmware.com to start the process and begin your relationship with VMware.

We hope the new VMware Developer Center enhances and accelerates your development and certification efforts and look forward to working with you!

via VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1auC4x6