Best Hacking Tools Every Hacker Know
Wireless Hacking: These are tools that help you hack into wireless networks. Wireless hacking tools though useful, do not make you a complete hacker. In order to achieve that, you must learn the different ways in which a secure network can be accessed. Also, you should work on making your own network as secure as possible.
1. Aircrack-ng
2. Kismet
3. inSSIDer
4. KisMAC
Intrusion Detection Systems:
1. Snort
2. NetCop
Port Scanners
1. Nmap
2. Superscan
3. Angry IP Scanner
Encryption Tools:
1. TrueCrypt
2. OpenSSH
3. Putty
4. OpenSSL
5. Tor
6. OpenVPN
7. Stunnel
8. KeePass
Password Crackers:
1. Ophcrack
2. Medusa
3. RainbowCrack
4. Wfuzz
5. Brutus
6. L0phtCrack
7. fgdump
8. THC Hydra
9. John The Ripper
10. Aircrack - Aircrack is 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program.
11. Cain and Abel
Packet Crafting:
1. Hping
2. Scapy
3. Netcat
4. Yersinia
5. Nemesis
6. Socat
Traffic Monitoring:
1. Splunk
2. Nagios
3. P0f
4. Ngrep
Packet Sniffers:
1. Wireshark
2. Tcpdump
3. Ettercap
4. dsniff
5. EtherApe
Vulnerability Exploitation:
1. Metasploit
2. sqlmap
3. sqlninja
4. Social Engineer Toolkit
5. NetSparker
6. BeEF
7. Dradis
credits:cyber evils