Dell eyeing Distribution segment for increasing market share


Dell reinforces its focus on Distribution space
Dell(NASDAQ:DELL) is betting big on the distribution business to provide customers the latest and most relevant technology solutions. The distribution led business will be a significant growth driver for Dell in its commercial business where partners will be able to meet customer demands for the best-of-breed enterprise products and solutions without any wait period.  This will result in extending coverage across Tier 2 & Tier 3 cities.
“Very clearly we want to grow the business and one of the fastest routes is distribution. We want to get a higher growth and importantly accelerate our growth with distribution business. We seek value for both Channel and Dell as we grow together,” explains Ravi Bharadwaj, Executive Director- Marketing, Dell India.
"The most important task is to create awareness and this we are doing through a series of roadshows. We thought what can be a better place than the capital region, where we have a large number of partners. The 6-city roadshow that we have rolled out from Delhi is itself unique as we are announcing a couple of new things to the partners. Like for instance we have introduced a new mechanism by which partners can go ahead and extent warranties. Likewise, there will be contests and rebates which will make these roadshows even more interesting for partners attending it," says Swarnendu Mukherjee, Sales Director, Commercial Sales Channel, Dell India....See More