How to Promote Your Blog and Increase Visitors/Traffic

When i had started my own blog I was always worried about my visitors and blog traffic. I always look around from where i can get some visitors so it will increase my blog traffic. I have read many blog and other site about this topic. I was really very confused but after researching them carefully I got success as now you will be success. I like to share the magic behind getting more and more traffic.

1. Well mannered Articles - This is the most important part of any blog does't matter which topic you cover. Always try to write good content in your blog so your visitors will like it as well they share with others too. This will create a huge visitors for your blog.
Below are some tips for creating a good and well mannered Article:
  • Write uniquely It means do not try to copy and paste from other blogs. I want to say read other's blog and just catch the idea of the article and write it in your own word. This will make your content unique. 
  • If possible add images and video to your blog post. People really search the easiest method of understanding. These image and videos make your blog post recognizable. 
  • If need do not hesitate to use bullet and number.
  • If you are linking your post to other post or blog use html code for short your URL.
  • Use font and color to highlight the important part of your blog post.
2. Social Media - No doubt facebook, twitter and google + is the most popular social network website in these days. If you do not have any account with these social network website now time to create these accounts. Make account on most of social networking website you do not need to create account in every social network websites, choose Top 10 Most popular Social Networking website and sign up those website. Now, connect with your visitors with facebook and twitter etc.. Join facebook groups and follow twitters related to your topic and whenever you write New articles on the basic of those topics, share your post on those groups.

3. Leave comments on other Blog - Read other's blogs/sites and concentrate on the comments. Is there any comment which is related to your topic or may be he is asking some question and you can help him by replying your comments with your own link. Let me explain you little bit more for example I visit a website and the topic of website is How to Make Money online. I am concentrating in the comment section there one person asked a question "Can you please tell me How can I make money through my blog I am new to this field" aahaa... This is what i have covered in my previous post on my blog so just simply reply him/her "You can make money from your blog by advertising some ads in your blog and many more methods, visit this link for more information - Earn Money Online . I just attached my blog link to this comment.

4. Email Marketing  - This is also a good source of generating your blog traffic. You can add your website link into your Email Signature. Collect some email data and do this work but beware this can be spam for others.

5. Guest Post - Guest posting is a great way to attract visitors. Write some post as a guest post for other blog and leave your web link into those post but it should be high quality post.

6. Participate in forums - Now a days there are many forums in web world. You just need to choose  forum which is suitable for your blog or related to your blog. There are many visitors who are active so you do not need to do much more activities on those forums just create a new topic and write an article and leave your web link with your article. I am sure this will help you to get traffic for your blog.

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