Just finished to install my fifth computer migration from Xp to Linux from a actual paying customer.

It is not that hard to convince ordinary people to change to Linux , there is a problem Windows xp is going bye bye and there is a superior solution Linux. Ordinary people don't really care what is the OS in their computer if works for their needs and if there is some one that can give them suportand and if Linux is basically virus free and more modern and lighter it is a bonus.
The lowest spec machine add at least 512mb of ram and the highest 1.5 GB of ram i hope that is not going to bite me on the ass on the long run but i am installing manjaro (i tried xubuntu on the first one but i had driver problems) tried again with manjaro and the installation and post install was butter smooth after that manjaro is my first choice for Linux installation on low end machines for my customers.
The only problem that i had until now was a customer that changed isp and the technician didn't know how to select the wireless network on Xfce and put the wps key and i add to do it.
For now my customers are happier than when using Xp lets hope that they stay that way ;).