Monday miscellany

Thinks: "is this the best they can do for me?"
Kats are far too modest to blow their own trumpets, so it is left to this Kat to let readers know that Annsley the AmeriKat's food porn post last month, attracted the attention of leading UK professional magazine Legal Week, here.  Well done, Annsley!  Well done guest Kat Alberto too, for his follow-up post on food porn which has already pulled in plenty of cruising food-porn kerb-crawlers and has earned some erudite readers' comments on aptonyms, noms de toque, a witticism about inadmissible patent extensions and this blog's first and only reference to Chinese patent CN102613541 ("Canned edible fungus and crocodile meat food").

What do Hercule Poirot, the Gruffalo and Kevlar have in common?  In celebration of International Women's Day 2014, Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors and the American Society of International Law are holding a law seminar this Thursday, 6 March, on "Capitalizing on Women’s Creativity and Intellectual Endeavors: Intellectual Property Law for and by Women". Full details are available here.  This Kat found himself thinking of some of the remarkable items of women's creativity that he has enjoyed. Off the top of his head, he immediately thought of Harry Potter, the Gruffalo, Hercule Poirot, windscreen wipers and Kevlar. Do readers have their favourites too?

The IPO's Copyright Enforcement
Department has a new, casual look
Reminder.  Last month the IPKat announced that the new UK Director of Copyright and Enforcement, Dr Ros Lynch, had kindly agreed to make to meet the IP legal community at the earliest opportunity. The Kat said:
"This is a welcome step and provides a useful opportunity for the UK's many and varied copyright interests to start building a positive relationship with the Copyright Directorate at a time of much flux in copyright law and policy. Law firm BDB is delighted to host the session at its Westminster offices (here) on Thursday 20 March from 5.30pm - 7.30pm when Ros will give a short keynote speech and then be available to mingle and chat. Drinks and nibbles will be provided".
The original email given for responses was incorrect and there's an anxiety that some intended responses may have gone astray, so if you want to attend just let BDB know in advance by emailing [that's the correct email address!] so that a sufficiency of comestibles can be provided, along with the right name badges.  

On the subject of responses, the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice (JIPLP) has extended by a fortnight the deadline for completing the JIPLP-GRUR Int. partnership survey, which now closes on Friday 14 March. Do please participate: it's a very, very short survey and your responses do count! Details can be found here.

Looking for a position?  Via the IP Draughts weblog, Katfriend and IP transactional enthusiast Mark Anderson is looking for a certain someone to join his firm as an experienced IP transactional professional, as well as possibly more than one certain someone who would fit the description of a paralegal with experience of negotiating and drafting university contracts. Click here for details.

Around the weblogs. Sally Cooper muses on "XING ahead" and Chinese trade mark law on SOLO IP here, while Colm Ahern (Elzaburu, Madrid) reports on a recent Madrid Appeal Court ruling on whether you need to prove damage in order to get royalty-related damages for patent infringement in his PatLit guest post.  The 1709 Blog features another busy, bustling CopyKat round-up from Ben Challis which includes a perspective on the Innocence of Muslims dispute. Finally, the jiplp weblog lists five new IP books in search of reviewers, and also features a Current Intelligence note from fellow Kat Darren Smyth on springboard injunctions for patent infringement that can restrict even non-infringing acts.