New version of Calculate Linux available.

Calculate Linux 13.11.1 was released.

"We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 13.11.1. Major changes: big updates (Linux kernel 3.12, KDE 4.12.2, LibreOffice 4.1, Chromium 33); in CLDX, session lock will be performed with light-locker; Clt templates now run correctly, as we fixed the file binding problem; a new DM theme is available in CLDX; users' avatars are now supported at log-in time; pastebin on can receive colored console output via wgetpaste; the tmux tool was added to all CL distributions."

Calculate Linux is a Gentoo-based family of three distinguished distributions. Calculate Directory Server (CDS) is a solution that supports Windows and Linux clients via LDAP + SAMBA, providing proxy, mail and Jabbers servers with streamlined user management. Calculate Linux Desktop (CLD) is a workstation and client distribution with KDE, GNOME or Xfce desktop that includes a wizard to configure a connection to Calculate Directory Server. Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) is live CD with a build framework for creating a custom distribution.