Quadratic Equations - MATHEMATICS

An equation of the form ax2 +bx +c =0 is called a in one variable, where a, b, c are real numbers and a ≠0.  It’s a .  There are various , they are (i) (ii)    (iii) (iv)  .
In factorization method the quadratic equation is solved by splitting them into factors.
In the quadratic equation is converted into either or 
The quadratic formula to find the are   where  is called the discriminant of the quadratic equation denoted by D or DThe sum of the roots of the quadratic equation is  or   and the product of the roots of the quadratic equation is   or .
If D=0 roots are real and equal , D>0 roots are real and unequal, D<0 roots are imaginary.
The graph of a quadratic equation is a parabola. It depends on the value of ‘a’, if a>0 the parabola opens upwards, a<0parabola opens downwards.
If D>0 parabola intersects x-axis at two distinct pointsD<0 parabola does not intersect the parabola and D=0 parabola touches x-axis at only one point.

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parabola, parabola open upwards, nature of roots, roots are imaginary, complex roots, imaginary roots, roots are complex, discriminant, discriminant of quadratic equation, roots are real and equal, equal roots