Security Wordlists

You can use wordlists in many different contexts when it comes to infosec, often creating a fine balance between a raw brute-force and guessing the most probable choice. The following are great wordlist resources from around the web, that can hopefully aid you in a time of need.

The first is an excellent collection of wordlists, that have been neatly categorized for your various needs. This is a super collection, and a great first stop:

Another fantastic collection from lists, again includes dictionaries, wordlists, leaked passwords, and statistics on common words. This is a great one for how real the lists are: 

The next is a great go-to set of lists that include many seemingly 'random' lists, that come in handy surprisingly often:

RAFT's list of common directories and files, originally built by FishNet Security on the idea to use robots.txt from the top 100 Alexa websites:

The following wordlist comes out of a project of Sebastien Raveau, in which he pulled down words from wikipedia, wiktionary, and wikibooks, to create a massive wordlist:

The next set comes from a set of honeypots and the various real world use of wordlists in attempt to break into said honeypots:

Finally, the largest and most comprehensive set to date, which operates on a 'pay what you want model', which is always an awesome model:

There is also the great tool CeWL, or Custom Word List generator, which will build custom wordlists based off of scrapping websites. CeWL is a great one for those one off words like a company or product names. You can find that at:

It may also be helpful to "mung" or augment your lists, such as replace common letters with numbers and symbols, to build 1337-5p34k (leetspeak) versions of your passwords. On Windows, Cain and Able provides good functionality to quickly apply transformations to your wordlists:

On Linux, you can use something like sed to build your 31337 5|*3@|< 1!$7$ :]