Steam Locomotive in Kali Linux

Sl (Steam Locomotive) – sl display animations aimed to correct users who accidentally enter sl instead of ls.

1. How to Install – Open terminal, type apt-get install sl and Press Enter.
(Click Image for large view)

2. An accident seems to happen. You’ll feel pity for people who cry for help.
Syntax - /usr/games/sl -a

2A. If you logged in as an user (not root) then command syntax will be change.
Ex : hell@MrQuiety:/root$ sl –a

3. This commands shows little steam locomotive.
Syntax - /usr/games/sl –l

4. In this example you will see a steam locomotive is flying on your terminal.
Syntax - /usr/games/sl -F

5. You can interrupt this steam locomotive by pressing Ctrl + C
Syntax - /usr/games/sl -e

6. This is really an awesome just run the command and see the magic.
Syntax - /usr/games/sl –h
(Click Image for large view)

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