Stop your skin’s untimely aging

Stop your skin’s untimely aging
Stop your skin’s untimely aging (Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images)

Your skin has a way of revealing your age like nothing else can — fine lines, crow's feet, freckles and dark spots can make you look tired and aged. Here are tips to combat this...

Don't want to look older than you are? Then, you need to take care of your skin in a really dedicated way ASAP. Your skin has a way of revealing your age like nothing else can — fine lines, crow's feet, freckles and dark spots can make you look tired and aged. The fact is, you should begin taking care of your skin really early if you want to see lasting radiance and youth. Simple tips can take you a long way... 

Cleanse thoroughly Keeping your skin spotlessly clean is important. Use a cleanser that suits your skin and also prevents ageing. Do not use a face scrub everyday because it robs your skin of essential oils and makes it look haggard and stretched. 

Always remember to moisturise If your skin is not hydrated enough, it can look dull and older than it is. As soon as you clean your face, apply a nourishing cream while your face is still damp. Every time you take a bath, you must generously slather your body with body lotion, especially if you have dry skin. 

Never go without sunscreen Investing in a very good-quality sunscreen is probably the best decision you could ever make. Your sunscreen may have a 50-plus SPF, but you still need to reapply it every few hours. And yes, you do need a sunscreen even when you are indoors and also when it is cloudy. 

Apply a nourishing night-cream Your skin repairs itself when you are asleep and so, it is important to use a good-quality nourishing night-cream and under-eye cream before you retire for the day. 

Befriend the Cool Cucumber Use this easily available vegetable daily, in your skincare regimen. This is a natural astringent and toner that helps minimise your pores, when grated and applied on your face as a mask. You can use cucumber slices to take care of puffy eyes