Tangents to a Circle - MATHEMATICS

straight line intersects a circle at one or two point. The tangent to a circle is a line that touches the circle at one point. Secant intersects the circle at two points. The point at which the straight line touches the circle is called the point of contact or point of tangency.
Some properties of tangents to a circle are Infinite number of tangents can be drawn to a circle but only one tangent can be drawn at any given point on a circle.  From an external point we can draw two tangents of equal length. The radius of the circle isperpendicular to the tangent at its point of contact and the tangents drawn at the extremities of the diameter of a circle are parallel.

secant, secant to a circle, tangent, point of contact, point of tangency, number of tangents, tangent at a given point
radius perpendicular to tangent, radius and tangent, diameter and tangent

tangents from external point, external point, tangents to a circle, tangents, tangents of equal length, equality of two tangents, tangents from outside the circle, tangents from outside

The tangent at any point on a circle is perpendicular to the radius drawn to the point of contact.
Given: A tangent AB with point of contact P.
To prove: OP ⊥ AB
Consider point C on AB other than P.
C must lie outside the circle. (∵ A tangent can have only one point of contact with the circle)
OC > OP (∵ C lies outside the circle)
This is true for all positions of C on AB.
Thus, OP is the shortest distance between point P and line segment AB.
Hence, OP ⊥ AB.
tangent at any point, tangent, radius perpendicular to tangent, radius and tangent, diameter and tangent
From an external point we can draw only two tangents to a circle.

Theorem: Tangents drawn to a circle from an external point are equal in length.
Given: Two tangents AB and AC from an external point A to points B and C on a circle.
To prove: AB = AC
Construction: Join OA, OB and OC.
In triangles OAB and OAC,
∠OBA = 90o (Radius OB ⊥ Tangent AB at B)
∠OCA = 90(Radius OC ⊥ Tangent AC at C)
In triangles OBA and OCA,
∠OBA = ∠OCA = 90o
OB = OC (Radii of the same circle)
OA = OA (Common side)
Thus, ΔOBA  ΔOCA (RHS congruence rule)
Hence, AB = AC (Corresponding sides of congruent triangles)
The tangents drawn at the extremities of the diameter of a circle are parallel.
tangents from external point, external point, tangents to a circle, tangents, tangents of equal length, equality of two tangents, tangents from outside the circle, tangents from outside, tangents drawn at extremities, parallel tangents