Cinnamon Progress

Thanks to people in LQ for testing my Cinnamon SlackBuilds repository, some issues were found and also fixed in just short amount of time.

I have installed Cinnamon on my workstation at the office and surprisingly, it's quite fast and snappy just as Michael said. I also managed to fix the broken cinnamon-settings applications due to case-sensitive naming in python-pam package. Once that was fixed on this commit, all settings are now working normally again. This is the screenshot of the now working cinnamon-settings

The only thing that still bother me is why some of the libraries needs to be reinstalled before (startup-notifications and NetworkManager) and after (qt) just to make Cinnamon works perfectly. Does the build broke those libraries? I still have no answer on these issues yet.

One issue that is not on my high priority list is probably testing under multilib environment. I will need other people's feedback on that issue.