Cinnamon SlackBuilds (CSB) for Slackware is now Live

This morning, i have pushed my own csb (Cinnamon SlackBuilds) on github. As noted on previous post, i have been playing with Cinnamon 2 since last Sunday and on Monday, i'm able to create a working Cinnamon desktop on top of Slackware64 14.1 on a virtual machine environment.

Why does it took so long to publish the repository? Well, the result on Monday was a little mess in my opinion, since it's more like trial and error. Whenever i found a new dependency, i made a SlackBuild script for it and rebuilt again until no errors are found. This wasn't enough unfortunately. I tried to rebuilt the whole packages in a new clean environment and there were errors again, so i must fix the build order first before i publish them.

Starting last night, i created another clean environment and this time, i managed to produce a working environment on one attempt, so i take it as a correct build order. Still, there *might* be some issues i missed, so i was hoping for feedbacks from all of you to try this repository. So far, i have only tested it on VM environment only.

There are no binary packages at the moment due to above reason. When i consider it to be stable enough, i will consider to build a binary packages for Slackware 14.1 users.

Here are some things you need to know before building the packages:
  • systemd: I can avoid this by using an older version of some packages that can be built without having systemd as a hard dependency. Newer version might require systemd as a hard dep.
  • newer glib: Most packages now requires newer glib than what we have on Slackware 14.1, but i tried not to make any changes to the official packages from Slackware. So far, it work as well.
  • PAM: this is something i can't avoid even after trying many solutions. The reason is that Cinnamon only provides PAM as the authentication backend solution, so without it, you will not get a working and usable Cinnamon environment. This is why i tested this on VM environment only.
Please read the README before building Cinnamon using the SlackBuild scripts. Failed to follow the instructions may result of a broken build.

Please test the scripts and please send the feedbacks through my email : willysr [AT] slackware-id [DOT] org or through github issues.

Thanks and Enjoy Cinnamon :)