Download AAC Trackback Submitter 6 Cracked free

“This AAC Trackback Submitter 6 sends faster and more reliable Trackbacks than Scrapebox does. You can use the Multi-Url mode or the Single Url mode to send the Trackbacks…!”
AAC Trackback Submitter 6 Cracked  Advantages:

  • Extreme high success rate through smart coding
  • Higher success rate than Scrapebox
  • All input fields are spinnable (Title, Excerpt, Anchor and Link)
  • Multi Url support
  • Single Mode
  • Multithreading
  • Uses low bandwidth
  • Proxy support
  • Proxy checker included
  • Low price: $9,99 / month
Here could be a short video, that provides you a control, however powerful the AAC Trackback Submitter 6 Cracked is. This video shows a way to get 191 DOFOLLOW autoapprove Backlinks in precisely three minutes.
The AAC Trackback Submitter uses alittle 250 address list from
That´s freaking awesome!! You get 191 Backlinks from a listing that consists of simply 250 urls !!
So the success rate is regarding seventy six,4 % !!!!
Why should you use AAC Trackback Submitter 6 Cracked ?
 Faster to send than comments
 Higher autoapprove-rate
 More often Dofollow than comments
 Works on most closed comments
 Very easy to send
 Sending trackbacks uses lower Bandwidth than comments
Our expertise shows that just about all blogowners forget to shut their trackback section once closing comments.
The same applies to “nofollowing” links. several blogowners nofollow their commentlinks, however forget to try to to identical to the trackbacklinks.
That is the massive advantage compared to commenting.
To send a comment the commenting tool must transfer the entire supply of a diary entry to induce the comment post kind. This finally ends up in high traffic if you send comments with multithreading. Trackbacks will even be sent through a slow affiliation and you'll be able to use a lot of threads than causing comments.
Try it for yourself and can|you'll|you may} see what proportion power the Trackbacklinks will serve your web site.
We offer a monthly payment for the AAC Trackback Submitter. therefore you'll be able to check the tool for less than $9,99 / month. undoubtedly well worth the value

AAC Trackback Submitter 6 (released 08.12.2011)

  • New Layout – Changed some Buttons and Groups.
  • Add Preview Button – Now you can preview you trackback before sending to make sure everything is successfully loaded.
  • Add Timer – Now you can check how much time a blast or a link check take.
  • Bug Fix – Copy to Clipboard do not close the link checker.
  • Bug Fix – Scrapebox to AAC Converter works with empty lines in loaded file.
  • Bug Fix – Buttons keep greyed out should now come back after blast or link check.
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 Download AAC Trackback Submitter 6 Cracked free

Download ACC Trackback Submiter 6