#HappyKat event: materials and webcast recording now available

Luca followed the #HappyKat
event from Italy (GMT +1)
IPKat readers will of course remember our #HappyKat eventthat was held on 1st April last at the lovely London offices of Bristows LLP [a big thanks for hosting us, and a special thanks to Zuleika Walsh for her wonderful work].

Although it is still unclear whether online copyright plus enforcement equals happiness, it was a most enjoyable day, wonderfully and wittily chaired by blogmeister Jeremy [to whom - and all our Jewish readers - we wish a lovely Passover]. We had enthusiastic speakers – as well as attendees - who shared their experiences, knowledge, wisdom, love and/or misgivings for online copyright enforcement. 

As the over 600 people [!!] who watched it online know, the event was also live streamed, and the recording of the webcast is now available here and here for everybody to watch and re-watch.

Also brave Max followed the event,
but he was in a slightly
more challenging time zone: HST
The highest number of hits came from the United Kingdom, followed by Italy, Switzerland, Russia, Sweden and Colombia. This Kat notes with pleasure that this may only mean that - similarly to the Oscars night - the topic of online copyright enforcement is of global interest, no matter the time zone where you happen to be located.

Besides the recording of the webcast, also the presentations and materials of the speakers are now available. Here they are: