Know your true friends

Your true friends are the ones who feel happy when you are successful, they lend a helping hand when you are in trouble.

They don't wear your masks: They don't gossip behind your back. True friends don't wear masks. They don't maintain two faces --- one in front of you, one at your back. They maintain transparency.You can be your real self when you are with them. Even if you are feeling vulnerable, you need not put on a brave front when you are with your real friends.
They don't resort to personal attacks: True friends aren't in the business of making you feel bad about yourself. They communicate with words of kindness, not cruelty. They focus on your similarities, not your differences. They speak of your qualities, not your shortcomings. They give you constructive criticism. They don't rant against you at every possible opportunity.
They encourage you to chase your goals: They are your strength. They are the wind beneath your wings. They offer constructive, helpful advice that inspires you to become a better version of yourself. They help you, encourage you to follow your passions. They let you conquer new heights. They feel happy when you are successful. They take pride in your success.