Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Version 9 - Web Application Security Testing Tool

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) is an automated web application security testing tool that audits your web applications by checking for exploitable hacking vulnerabilities. Automated scans may be supplemented and cross-checked with the variety of manual tools to allow for comprehensive web site and web application penetration testing.

Changelog v9.20140206

New Functionality in Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner v9
  • Scanning of WordPress sites has been made more efficient
  • Improved coverage of ASP.NET based websites
  • Improved XSS testing script
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in the pagination of the Scheduler Web Interface
  • The Login Sequence Recorder was ignoring the maximum size HTTP option
  • Fixed an issue causing the crawler to create multiple entries of the same custom cookie.
  • Fixed a bug causing the HTTP sniffer to always listen on localhost
  • Fixed a bug in the console application preventing scanning from older saved crawl results.
  • Fixed a crash caused at start-up caused by the DeepScan agent not starting.