About-Google Panda

Last year (2011) when Google Panda rolled out, many Bloggers expected it like just another Google algorithm change but honestly it changed the Blogging industry big time. Every professional Blogger has to re-work on their strategies. I have already shared a guide on how to recover from Google panda and for people who are badly struck with new Google Panda algorithm, I also offer personal Panda recovery consultancy.

One thing, which people have talked about after Panda updates is, SEO is not relevant and now it’s dead and believe it, SEO is not dead and it never will. SEO is basically a quality guidelines and set of rules a Website and a Webpage should follow to meet Google SEO guidelines.
What is SEO In Post Panda World:
Before 2011, SEO and domain value used to be an important factor but it never used to be ranking factor for complete domain. After panda updates, many things changed and one of them is domain level penalty. Earlier, few shallow and low quality pages only impact particular posts and not complete domain but now in post panda SEO world(Post Penguin now), this has changed. Few low quality posts on your pages may impact the complete domain ranking and you will notice no traffic on your recent posts and traffic drop back to back. Instead of thinking Google to fix your site SEO, you should be thinking what is one thing that you did wrong, which impacted your site. I’m sharing panda SEO guide for people who are starting a new website or blog now and want to make sure Panda updates will never impact their blog.
Post Panda SEO Strategies:
I’m not including basic SEO steps which you should do, as I expect you to take care of all basic SEO optimization tips. I tried to link to as much as relevant post to get things done but if you still have any questions, feel free to ask via comments.
Content Quality:
Let me start with the basic of SEO and that is your quality content. If you are writing a post which is not very useful, doesn’t cover complete information and doesn’t contain proper Keyword, related Keywords and so on, chances are your content might not be seen as quality one. One easy way to do is, simply search for your target Keyword and see if your post contain more values than existing post on the web. If not, it’s time to cover all missing points and make your content useful.
I know many of your might hate SEO and feel like it’s useless, but post panda world you need to develop a proper content generation strategy. Keyword research should be an essential part of it. You can use Mind map tools initially and SEMRUSh to create a list of such Keywords which are related to your domain, and then work on it. Do keep in mind, it’s not only about good content but it should be great content.
Needless to say, Onpage SEO optimization is going to play major roles and make sure your content contains LSI word. If you are using WordPress you should start using Keyword optimization plugin like EasyWPSEO, which not only show LSI Words, but also show the readability of content.
Also take care of other factors like Typos, Grammar and level of reading (Readability), which also started affecting ranking of pages and domain. Another tip which I can give you is start with Video blogging and try to add videos or slides into your post, which will make it more meaningful and useful.
11 delicious ways to judge high quality content
Becoming more Social:
Google plus your world is the best hint which you should get from Google directly, about getting more social. Now there are tons of Websites and it’s always a good idea to get mention on as much as social media sites. But from my experience, I have seen getting more social on sites like Google plus, Twitter, Digg, Delicious and Facebook will help you more. Out of all this, Google plus is something which will impact your search engine placement a lot. Specially, if you are getting hundreds of Google pluses, you can imagine what will be the reachability of your post in a social group.
101 tips to become social media rockstar
Benefits of Social media marketing in Blogging
Site SEO Structure:
Earlier we know more pages we have in Google, better it is for us. But considering SEO post panda, it’s important that only important pages of your blog is indexed. Else your pages might land into supplement results. Instead of using Robots.txt, I would suggest use noindex tag. Try to keep only those pages indexed, which actually helps readers and search engine both.
Add proper meta title, description and also take care of site navigation and structure. Put all important links in your navigation bars, which will also help you in Google site links to important pages of your site. Apart from that follow all traditional SEO tips like Submitting Sitemap, add robots.txt and so on.
How to noindex WordPress Categories and tags
Outbound links:
We have already discussed about importance of outbound links and I have been constantly talking about the same. I have already given one example of bad outbound links in my earlier post on Blog comments. When you are linking to relevant and useful pages from your blog post, it increases the quality of your page and it’s seen as more valued page from SEO perspective. Also, from reader perspective adding outbound links to useful pages helps a lot. If you are not so experience with this, try using Zemanta plugin.
Make your site Social:
Your strategy is not to get only social media share, but make your site social too. Keep your site presence everywhere  for example: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and any other social media site which is relevant to your niche. For example, a Fashion, health and Facebook niche blogger can target site like Pinterest. Add relevant widgets on your site and for newbies, here are some guide which you can refer to get started.
How to create Google plus Pages for Business
How to create Facebook Fan page
Quality link building over quantity backlinks:
Google recently taken down all the private blog networks and links going out from it. If you are new to private blog networks, in simple word a person/company creates 100 or more blogs on different niche and start back linking which ultimately end up creating a link farm.
Now, you may not ignore our 101 tips to create quality backlinks, but also I suggest to focus more on quality of backlinks. When you are getting natural backlinks from relevant domain, it’s always a good and the best link. As I mentioned above, quality content is the best weapon which you have for post Panda SEO and quality stuff will help in getting quality links to your site. Needless to say Social media share also going to boost your ranking at great level.
Focus on your Analytics:
Couple of days back I was giving Panda recovery consultancy to one of popular Malaysian blogger and I realize he removed the Google analytics from his blog, as he fears that Google uses analytic data to track and rank your site and certainly this is a myth. Google ranking factors depend on many metrics and having Google analytics or any other web stats program is going to help and analyze your pages. Pages, which are not performing well, you can always edit it and optimize for better performance.
Specially keep an eye on pages which have high bounce rate, low avg. time on page and high exit rate. Use content strategy and develop related content associated with it. Follow my bounce rate guide to decrease bounce rate and let the reader stick to your blog.
Duplicate Content Strategies:
Google is now very strict about duplicate content and I found them little dumb when handling duplicate content from real blog and a copied paste blog. My suggestion is to follow a strategy which will help you to fight those Auto RSS blogs. Here are few things which I do and you should: Use RSS footer plugin and keep your feed as partial. Learn how you can report copied pages to Google and remove them from Search. Also, integrate TYNT script which is going to be really helpful to get free back-links from people who are copying a part of text, image or long sentence on your blog.
Well, this is not all but start looking into all the factors which Google has implemented lately for example: Page layout algo, Page speed algo, private blog networks and so on. Traditional SEO of your site remains the same but now the major different is quality of your pages along with quality of over all domain. Here is an interesting guide from hubspot, which talks about things to avoid in post panda SEO strategies. Here are some more links from Web, which I have found useful and worth reading:
SEO Post Google Panda Strategies
Google panda WordPress plugins to Kick Panda Out
Honestly, it’s impossible to lay down all the strategy in a single post but I have tried marking all those important factor for SEO post panda, which everyone should start considering. I will keep updating new Panda SEO strategies and changes which you should bring on your blog to beat out panda. You can subscribe to my Email newsletter for instant updates.
Also, let me know what strategy you are following for SEO post panda world? If you find this post useful, don’t forget to give us Google plus and share it on Facebook.