Alice in Patentland: a comic perspective

Here's the first page ...
A picture of wisdom.  The IPKat's talented and imaginative friend Julia Powles has found a bright and memorable way to depict the tale of the US software patent saga of Alice v CLS Bank [noted on this weblog here], featuring Judges Rader, Thomas, Scalia et al in -- you may have guessed correctly -- Patentland.  You can see for yourself on, 30 June 2014, here.  According to Wired:
"Law Comics is the brainchild of Julia Powles, who researches and writes on law, science and technology at the University of Cambridge. She's collaborating with a range of artists and writers in order to bring Law Comics to the world.

Law Comics is a project steered by non-boring lawyers to render iconic legal cases in full-colour glory, accompanied by short, authoritative, whimsical texts," Powles tells "The aim is to animate the magnificent stories of law to engage and empower the curious public"".
This Kat is happy to see initiatives like this, and hopes that Julia's talents will be transferred to some other tempting topics, such as rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union on web-blocking, repackaging of pharma products for parallel trade and supplementary protection certificates for patents ...

The illustrations for Alice in Patentland have been created by Ilias Kyriazis.