CJEU Trade Mark Jurisprudence: the Hansen survey

Today's your last chance!
As reported last week in Friday Fantasies, Katfriend Hugh C. Hansen (Professor of Law and Director of the feared and revered Fordham IP Institute & IP Conference) is preparing a paper that addresses the trade mark jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and its effects in the EU. To this end, Hugh has been running a short, anonymous survey via SurveyMonkey.  There are just 12 questions, some of which are multiple choice.

This Kat has learned from Hugh that there has been a high and very welcome level of response to this survey from blog readers, but there's still time for more responses.  Today is the closing day for Hugh's survey, so please be sure to have your say.  According to the great man, it shouldn't take more than five minutes to complete the survey, maybe 10 minutes at the outside.  This Kat however managed the whole thing in a little less than 90 seconds.  See if you can do better.

The link to the survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/G5HKJSQ  If you wish to give more expansive answers, just send them to Hugh by email; they will be treated as confidential.