The Stupidest Reaction to the Capture of a Benghazi Suspect Contest is sure to be heated, but let me nominate Patterico:
Guy Arrested for Benghazi Attack Has Been Hanging Out in Plain Sight for Ages 
Obama done caught him a terrorist. Yay! Except . . . what took so long?... 
Hm. He sounds easy to find. If you care... 
Doesn’t sound like Obama cared.
What's this remind me of -- oh yeah: "In six games!"

Got any nominees of your own? All serious candidates considered. I warn you, though, you can forget about low-hanging fruit -- so don't comb the gutters for small-time operators peddling fringe Benghazi truther bullshit like... um... um... popular radio blowhard Joe Walsh ("Timing of Benghazi Arrest Suspicious")... Ah, prairie shit -- everybody!