Rebecca Cusey at The Federalist:
Angelina Jolie wants us to talk about rape, but not in the Western-centric, man-blaming, feminist-professor way of the chattering classes.
She would like us to move beyond insular #YesAllWomen Twitter outrage to a global perspective with a broader, wiser understanding of the evils of human nature and the ability to overcome that evil with good. 
Jolie stepped into this conversation way back in 2009 when she agreed to lend her considerable star power to a movie that explored rape in the context of a children’s story. 
That movie became “Maleficent”...
OK, how about Jersey Boys?

UPDATE. Commenter D Johnston points us to Cusey's other essay on Maleficent, in which she denounces morally demented movies that "make the case that the villain is simply misunderstood" and "argue that the euro-centric, patriarchal, cisnormative, everything-normative world has gone crazy and the sane ones are those who buck the system" -- movies like (I am not joking) Shrek.