Multiple Security Updates

Slackware has issued 5 security advisories today, accumulated from upstream releases on various projects. They are:
  • GnuPG: Upgraded to 1.4.17 and backported back to Slackware 13.0 to fix a denial of service using garbled compressed data packets.
  • GnuPG2: Upgraded to 2.0.24 to stop a denial of service using
    garbled compressed data packets which can be used to put gpg into an  infinite loop. This update is backported back to Slackware 13.37
  • Samba: Upgraded to 3.6.24 for Slackware 14.0 and 4.1.9 for Slackware 14.1 and current to bring fixes and security issues which can cause a denial of service, and reveal potentially private server information
  • Seamonkey: Upgraded to 2.26.1 for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and current
  • Bind: Upgraded to 9.8.7_P1 for Slackware 13.0, 13.1, and 13.37, 9.9.5_P1 for Slackware 14.0, 14.1, and Current. There's also a new package in testing for Bind 9.10.0_P2.
For Slackware-Current, there are two additional packages: man (rebuilt to move config to /etc) and  man-pages upgraded to 3.69.