NAV 2013 R2 - How to Restore Selected companies - Powershell (Using Service Tier)

Hi all,

As discussed in earlier post, we will see how to take Restore backup in a new database. In this post we will list down the steps to restore the backup taken using powershell service commandlet.

UPDATE - IF you face issues of Schema During This Process Please refer the Post Here for Issue Resolution.

If you haven't read the Previous post, please refer Index Post here.

Let's check the Content of Backup Taken Via Emport-NavData.

Microsoft have provided a Commandlet for the same i.e  Get-NAVDataFile.
This Commandlet takes file Location and Name as parameter and returns the details of Content of the backup File.

Open Powershell and Let's check the two file content using Get-NAVDataFile =
Get-NAVDataFile -FileName "c:\Two_Comapniesbackup_Service.navdata"

So its clear from the Result of Commandlet that the above file contain 2 Companies with IncludeApplicationData only.

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