...about the Bergdahl affair and the self-evident bad faith and bullshit the brethren have brought to it. I can't even be outraged, really; once you know their formula, and them, you kind of expect they'd perform a similar routine if presented with  ham sandwich or a basket of puppies.

UPDATE. Commenters note that some of the factoids repeated as gospel by the brethren are being challenged, let us say, by events and expert witnesses: For example, the insistence that the five trained Talibani were super-villains whom Obama only let go because he wants them to grow stronger and destroy America has been contradicted by a Gitmo prosecutor ("When I saw the names of the five individuals, when they were reported last weekend, my first reaction was, ‘Who are they?’... I think [the Administration] struck a pretty good deal"), as well as by a former CENTCOM chief, among others. I wouldn't say this proves that there was nothing wrong with the deal -- I don't want to get into the game of refuting one set of unbuttressed assertions with another -- but it does remind those of us still in possession of common sense that a house built on bullshit may not survive a brisk summer rain.

UPDATE 2. I would say this Marc A. Thiessen headline marks the all-time low --
Is Obama considering surrendering to the Taliban?
-- but experience has taught us that as far as these guys are concerned, the barrel has no bottom.