Pied Piper Represents a Multi-Million Dollar Idea

Pied Piper is not a real website. Well, it is real in the sense that it exists on the Internet, but as we’re concerned at Fueled, it is the best fake around.
In case you have yet to jump on the bandwagon for HBO’s recent hit series, Silicon Valley, Pied Piper will make little sense to the viewer, unless you’re interested in tech-speak (that is, for the most part, nonsense), and complicated descriptions of why the company was established.
Although Pied Piper is simply a landing point for those who loyally watch the series, in an effort to further inside jokes focused on the characters of the show and their fledgling startup, it brings back an intrigue related to compression software – more specifically speaking, sound recognition programs.
What is Sound Recognition, and How Does it Work?
Content recognition software, simply put, identifies specific sound patterns, most notably within songs, and investigates the information it receives in order to determine the name of the song and the artist.
This type of software analyzes the patterns it picks up on within a short sample set and quickly utilizes algorithms to match the beat, tempo, amplitude and frequency with a song in the database. This information is then sent to the user requesting that information, solving the otherwise musical mystery.
In its early stages, sound recognition software specifically was used to ensure that copyright infringement was avoided for artists, new and old. Pied Piper’s site speaks to this powerful tool in its company description, and then quickly mucks it up through other random tech jargon that makes little to no sense to the novice tech junkie.
However, in the business world, with real businesses and real money, sound recognition software is a multimillion dollar industry.
Current Players in Sound Recognition
Most commonly used, Shazam is a free application that can be used with the iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile and Blackberry devices. It is the original sound recognition software that still boasts unlimited tagging of songs with a handful of other nifty features, and of course, quick recognition with spot on results. The app is now fully integrated with Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, and Pandora, allowing users to share their song discoveries with the world.
Soundhound is a close second to Shazam, available on both iPhone and Apple devices as well as Android platforms. It is free to use, and allows not only for recognition through a small sample recording of the song, but can pick up the same beats and amplitude through the user’s own voice, either humming or singing a lyric or two. It is also integrated with social media giants, providing a space for users to connect.
There are a handful of similar algorithm-based software programs, with varied combinations of the features listed above, but by far, Shazam and Soundhound are the most commonly downloaded and used.
The Future is Bright for Sound Recognition (Just not with Pied Piper)
For those who have used one of the sound recognition apps listed above, it may seem like old news that this type of programming is a powerhouse as it relates to profits. However, social media sites are currently seeking ways to integrate this type of program through their mobile apps to increase engagement with those apps and provide another way of connecting with other users.
Facebook has most notably taken on the challenge of implementing a content recognition tool through its app, allowing users to record a small sample of whatever it is they are listening to and adding that information to a status update.
What does this mean for users? Well, less typing, for one. This seems to be an ongoing task for Facebook and its social media cohorts, mainly in an effort to make the user’s experience with the app easy and more enjoyable. In addition to music, Facebook’s integration allows for content of television shows to be recognized, although not yet with as much accuracy as the musically based content.
Content recognition is hardly a new idea, but Facebook is now utilizing this type of software integration for the most important aspect of a business run solely online – advertising space. As more and more users utilize the content tagging option while updating their statuses, individual advertisements that appear on the site – you know, the ones that magically mimic the exact pair of shoes you were looking at the day prior – will be even more accurately targeted.
The more information a site like Facebook is allowed to gather about its users, the more value it can add to those companies that advertise on its sites. Targeted marketing based on what you are currently watching or currently jamming to, all under the purview of enhanced user experience? Now that is a multimillion dollar idea.

About The Author:
This guest post article has provided by Anna Gael. She is working with Internet Marketing Company Fueled.