Responsive web designs: A need of the hour

Every other day you see a new revolutionary Smartphone loaded with features emerging out in the market of mobile phones. Although they may be high on prices but seeing the innovative and advanced features that come along with these gadgets many think of ignoring the price tags attached to it. A recent statistical report shows that more than 38% of the user’s access websites from smartphones and tablets giving an intense competition to laptops and old school desktops.

The modern age era of website designing and development which we experience today has undergone a number of evolutions. With a number of operating systems, platforms and devices in today’s prevailing in this high-tech era, every website needs a dynamic edge or advantage over the other. The age of the machines is now making its way to a fully mobilized world and there is none or very little scope of not adapting to the contemporary market trends.
Its time you get responsive
The practice of creating a different version of a web site for every operating device is almost impossible and highly impractical. While creating mobile versions for a smartphones is not an unachievable task but to cater to the demands of other similar gadgets like tablets, IPads and other devices is something which has an endless scope
We never know what the upcoming 5 years have for us in terms of technology and gadgets. What goes out and what comes in will be only seen with time passing on but the sooner we realize the better we shall plan up for these adaptations.
Here are a few advantages that you or your website gets as you switch on to the responsive web design:

 Reach out to a wider audience
A responsive web design increases the reach of your website. Developing a single website that evenly adapts to all kinds of devices and platforms is by far a better option rather than creating and maintaining different web sites for each device. With responsive website development you are surely to increase your reach to more and more users who have adapted the pristine forms of surfing the web. The sales figures of devices like Smartphones and tablet devices have increased drastically and are even promising to achieve higher sales in the following years making our web design as important as ever. A number of companies report that more than 45% of their traffic which they receive are from devices such as Smartphones and tablets.

Helps you to maintain your site better and save on time and money.
It is quite obvious that managing a single site against a bunch of sites to soothe every device and screen size is a lot easier.  A responsive web design is a unified website suitable for every viewing platform and can be easily optimized and managed to be used effectively and efficiently across all viewing platforms and devices. This also helps you to save greatly on your financial resources and time as you have less to manage and maintain and a great scope of optimizing your resources to the fullest.
Increase your visibility in search engines
A responsive design allows you to focus better on developing a better SEO strategy. You can manage your website with a single set of links which are unified for all devices and requires no need of redirections. We all know a major fact of SEO which says that ‘content is the king’ and based on the same you can get quality content to increase the chances of a higher and better ranking.

You will not be entangled with the ruckus of managing and updating multiple websites and will help you get better content for your website and increase your rankings in various search engines. One of the prominent search engines, Google also indicates that responsive and mobile optimized websites feature better in local search results.
Get responsive today
Almost every client wants to get a mobile layout of the website and looks for responsive html website. So fitting into all screen sizes and resolutions has become the need of the hour and adapting yourself these trends have definitely become your cup of tea.