Update! Key Considerations in Choosing a Zero Client Environment for VDI

By Jessica Flohr, Technical Writer and Editor, End-User Computing, VMware Zero clients are getting a refresh! The popular white paper, Top Five Considerations in Choosing a Zero Client Environment, has been updated with new case studies, graphics, and a deeper technical perspective. The original paper, written by Cyndie Zikmund, was one of the most frequently […]]> By Jessica Flohr, Technical Writer and Editor, End-User Computing, VMware

Zero clients are getting a refresh! The popular white paper, Top Five Considerations in Choosing a Zero Client Environment, has been updated with new case studies, graphics, and a deeper technical perspective. The original paper, written by Cyndie Zikmund, was one of the most frequently downloaded white papers in End-User Computing at VMware. This long-awaited update takes a fresh look at key concerns IT administrators have when choosing client endpoints for a virtual desktop infrastructure.

The updated paper, titled Key Considerations in Choosing a Zero Client Environment for View Virtual Desktops in VMware Horizon, introduces zero clients and makes them easy to understand at any level. The technology behind these devices has a fascinating history! In the early days of computing, data was centralized on large mainframe computers and displayed for various local users on nonprogrammable terminal devices. With the advent of the PC, tech trends shifted to having a PC at every workspace. Today, maintaining a PC for everybody in the workplace is less efficient for IT administrators, leaves a much larger carbon footprint, and carries a higher total cost of ownership. PCs have become the legacy environment.

Today�s work environment is increasingly virtualized. Enterprise data is shifting to data center centralization. Information security is of the utmost concern. This is an area where zero clients shine! With no operating system, no local storage, and the ability to disable attached USB devices, zero clients excel at data security. Zero clients that employ the PCoIP protocol enhance the security focus by transmitting only pixels from the host to the endpoint.

Did you know that zero clients come in different form factors? The most familiar form is a small unit, no larger than a hardcover book. Other types of zero clients include integrated monitors and laptops. The world of zero clients is evolving to meet the needs of today�s mobile workforce!

The ways in which zero clients are being utilized are endless! Universities, hospitals, and businesses both big and small are reducing operating costs and increasing productivity through the use of zero clients. One of my favorite examples of zero client deployment is found in Malaysia. VMware and Teradici partnered with the Malaysian Ministry of Education to provide digital education resources to rural villages in Malaysia in the form of zero clients and VMware Horizon with View.

Whatever the need for your organization, zero clients can be part of the solution. This updated paper addresses key concerns you may be facing in the decision to virtualize. Download the paper today and read more about the role of zero clients in VDI!

via VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1jXUzcs