100$ a Day on Craigslist Method [UPDATED]

I've had good success with this method in the past and I taught this to a few friends and they are banking around $75 / day with this method. This isn't a fancy new method but I have added my own twist to it. Before you read this, I must tell you that it does require human efforts, if you are looking for a free hamburger then leave.

The method involves Craigslist but you don't need PVAs for it.

- Use a craigslist harvester i.e. Instant Lead Magnet, Scrapebox or any other for that matter. If you are lazy to do so then you can always outsource. There are people on freelancing websites who would collect the emails manually for very cheap. (jeeez!)
- Put your desired keywords such as: iPad, Homes, Real Estate and etc. Basically anything that you think will convert and you have an offer for it.

- Harvest the email list once the results are generated.

- Input those email addresses in your mailer, Instant Lead Magnet has one. 

- Use a unique message for your CPA offer. For example, If I were to promote an iPad offer, I would type something like this:
Quote: Hey,

I just saw your listing and would like to tell you something.. Yesterday, I got my free iPhone 4G and you will be shocked that I didn't pay anything for it.
I went to this website: yourwebsite(.)com and they sent me an iPhone 4G because they needed some testers.

I'd also suggest you to visit yourwebsite(.)com and check if they're offering free iPhone.
I am no way affiliated with this website, I just wanted to share this information with you because I also got this email from one of my dearest friends on the internet. Kindly reply me if you find this website to be useful.

Best Regards, This one I used to promote one-page real estate offers:
Quote: Hello,

It seems to me that you are selling your house. I'd like to you know that I had sold my house a week ago here on Craigslist, it was sold for a healthy price. However, before you sell your house you have to get some necessary information which might help you a lot as it has helped me too.

I went to yourwebsite(.)com to get some additional information regarding how to sell real estate property quickly at a heavy price. They are giving away useful real estate quotes and information without any charges.

I wish you all the best in selling your house and if you need any other information regarding real estate then please do let me know. Another one that I used to promote credit report offers and job-related offers:
Quote: {Hi|Hello}, We are a medium sized business {firm|house|company} with an {internet|online} business. We do {several|numerous|various} kinds of {internet|online} {tasks|projects|assessments|work} for
our {customers|partners|clients|advertisers} and we are recruiting right now. We found your {post|message|ad} on craigslist related to what we can {provide|offer} to you.

All you need to do is work on your {pc|desktop|computer} for {minimum|at least|atleast} 2 hours / daily, we will {supply|hand|give|provide} you the tools and necessary {resources|info|information}.
The compensation totally depends on your work and the minimum pay is $300 / month to be honest. The job is {self-explanatory|easy|simple} copy/paste ads and {content|essay|article} rewriting.

If you are {really|keenly|seriously} interested, then {reply|mail|email} me back and I will {provide|supply|send} you more details.

{Kind|Best} Regards, These are enough to get you going with more ideas, just brainstorm and you will figure it out yourself.

- Use different email addresses, for every unique email address I would send 10-15 emails and not more than that.

- Send atleast 50 emails / day and you should bank good. This depends upon your message and CPA offer payout. The higher the payout is, the more money you make.

Here are some additional tips:
- Buy a unique domain name for every CPA offer, this increased my conversion rates.
- Try different niches. iPad niche still works but make sure that you try other niches too.
- Blank/Fake referer.
- I capped my income to $25 / each network and mixed WH leads too just to cover my arse.
- Outsource if you have a few bucks to spend.

Oh and this is important: