6 Best FREE SEO Toolsfor On-Page Optimization

Google's official position on webmaster best practices really hasn't changed much over the years. What has changed is the search engine's ability to enforce these guidelines through improved algorithms. The implementation of Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird has had a profound impact on the SEO landscape.

Google's Matt Cutts has remarked that no one should be surprised when a website that hasn't followed the guidelines is penalized. What Cutts overlooks or chooses to ignore is something that I have dubbed the "Google Paradox". I suspect the Google paradox is the root cause for one black hat forum member expressing his desire to "punch Matt Cutts in the face" (per Cutts' Pubcon 2013 keynote).

In order to reach the top of the SERPs and stay there in 2013 and beyond, your website must deserve to be there. It needs to be the best in class. It must offer the best user experience in that niche. Fortunately, there are a number of free tools that can help you achieve that goal.

Keyword Research

Developing the right list of keywords remains a staple of SEO, even in 2013. Because the keyword selection has such a profound impact on the overall performance of a website, the keyword selection process shouldn't rely on a single tool.

1.FreeGet Visitor

 This Is Best SEO Tools Ever You Will Never See Like this.Its Help To Increase Your Visitor At-list 5 Visitor At One Time Its Totally Genuine Tips For Your Website .So Be Enjoy This Tool And Share This Post For Helpful For Others.The Best Part Of This Tool Its Also Supports Alexa./ Freeget Visitor/.

2. Wordstream

The Wordstream Free Keyword Tool offers thousands of keyword ideas from a huge database of more than a trillion unique searches. This tool outperforms some of the paid alternatives in the market.

3. Keyword Eye Basic

Keyword Eye Basic is a visual keyword suggestion tool, that works particularly well for brainstorming sessions.

4. YouTube Keyword Tool

Julie Joyce recently described in detail just how great the YouTube Keyword Tool is for keyword research for all kinds of content, not just video.


Copyscape is a free plagiarism checker. The software lets you enter a URL to detect duplicate content and to verify that your content is original.

6.Robots.txt Checker

Robots.txt Checker is a "validator" that will analyze the syntax of a robots.txt file to verify the format is valid.

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