Aircel 100 MB Per Day Trick July 2014
Aircel have blocked the Wikipedia Trick and TCP 443 port is also blocked in many states. But We have managed to find a new open port in their network. Don't know if it will work in every state or not. You have to check it for your self that it's working in your state or not. This trick will not need any balance and will work at Zero balance so no fear of balance deduction. As the Title of the post suggest you will get 100 MB of 3G data every day and after crossing the 100 MB limit per day the speed will be capped. 
Features:1. High Speed: You will get speed around 400-600 kb/s in 3G mode.
2. Access Point: Works with default APN aircelwap.
3. Zero Balance Condition: Will work at Zero balance, No need to maintain any balance.
4. Disconnection Problem : There is No Disconnection Problem is there in this Aircel 3G Trick .
5. Registration : Required to register on PD proxy site.
6. Unlimited Download: Unlimited Download Capability.(100 MB 3G then Unlimited 2G)
7. 2G & 3G : Working both in 2G and 3G network.
Steps to Connect With Aircel 3G 100 MB Per Day Trick:
Please Follow the below steps to connect with this Aircel 3G Trick:1. Download the Aircel 3G 100 MB Per Day Trick For July 2014 Instruction File given below.
2. Download and Install PD-Proxy & Register a Account.
3. Use default APN aircelwap
Other details are given in the text file download it from below link.(With Screenshots)
We have personally used this trick and confirmed that this trick is working in Many states Like Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Delhi and some other states also. Although you have to try this trick to see if it's working in your state or not. Please don't blame me if the trick is not working for you I'm not responsible for that. So, what are you waiting for just download this exclusive Aircel 3G 100 MB Per Day Trick For July 2014 and enjoy free unlimited 3G service from Aircel for free