Get Your FREE Virtual UK Phone Number

Heya fellows, I just stumbled upon a pretty useful website (well atleast for me,Hehe!)
to own a TOTALLY FREE Phone Number from UK...

You might ask what is the use of this??? Well, pretty obvious, you can use
such virtual phone numbers to bypass some verification such as Google,etc..

There are two ways to acquire it...


1: Go to this site:

2. Register an account (Located at the MetaLinks/Footer Area)

3. Your password will be sent to the email you will use.

4. Login. You may update your profile.

5. Choose what number you would like (I had chosen the PERSONAL NUMBER(07xx) )

6. Click the ORDER NOW and FILL UP THE FORM..then ofcourse, SUBMIT.
[Image: screenshot_516.png]

7. Presto, you have own a new UK Phone Number..
[Image: screenshot_519.png]


Just download this app from Google play:

Rest will be self explanatory..., Caruso

That's it...Hope you like this post..
