How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

In this tutorial i will tell you how to make money with affiliate marketing, Thanks “Tran Thanh Long” for contacting us and requesting to write on this topic!
1. Introduction
2. Choosing the right network
3. Creating landing pages
4. Setting up Facebook campaigns
5. Tips
What is Affiliate Marketing?
How to make money with affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.
How To Choose The Right Network?
There are many networks proving good products and offers to promote, You just need to select on product and stick to it. Below is the list of popular ones!
I personally use Jvzoo because you dont have to wait for payout date and time, You get funds directly into your paypal account when you make a sale. Clickbank and clicksure are also good networks and reliable you can work with any network you want.
Creating landing pages:
Landing page is the most important thing you need to focus on, Because if your landing page is not good your traffic might not convert even if you have the best traffic in this world. There are plenty of wordpress plugins you can use to make good landing pages. For Exampe: Hybridconnect, Optimizepress, Wpleadplus. Install any of these plugins, And these are paid plugins but don’t hesitate to buy there are all good! And plus point of making landing pages is you will get lots of emails of those people who are interested in buying this product. So suppose if you get 10000 mails you will make more than $2500 every time for lifetime! Example of a good landing page is below
make money with affiliate marketing

Setting up Facebook campaigns:
Facebook is best to target people and going viral in no time. Ok this is the best part because this is where you will get your potential customers. Your account must be approved and advertisement ready account, You need to give your credit card details in order to activate your advertisers account. Now suppose if your selected product is “Garcinia Cambogia” which is a weight loss product very popular in united states. So you will be targeting “Fat People” in short. But how to target these people who want to loose weight? Groups, Pages and events. People always join groups and like pages of their interest. So it’s so easy to target these people. Simple what you do is find a good page or buy Social Lead Freak or Social Lead freak, using this tool will do everything you want. Just put in your keyword and it will search for all groups. Pick one groups with most likes and extract users Uids! Which i have described in my previous tutorials. Now you have a list of people who want to loose weight, It’s time to target them. Go to “create Ads” and create your ads and put the Uids file into custom audience. I will tell you how to create a good looking ads in my next tutorials. Read this tutorial for more information on targeting people and getting clicks on facebook for cheap
Now you have everything up and you just have to wait for facebook to approve your ads,  For me facebook approve my ads in less then a minute so that wont be too long. As soon as your ad is approved facebook will start showing it to your targeted custom audience. Affiliate marketing is a very big topic and many things come into this i will be covering up each and every topic very soon. Also if you’re interested in making money with affiliate marketing join our “Cpa Cash Study” paid program, For more information mail us on “”
So this is how it goes
Traffic – Landing Page – Your Offer = You make money