Ten million! Thanks so much ...

This morning the IPKat weblog's Google page-view counter (which readers may have noticed in the sidebar on the left-hand side of the IPKat's home page) reached the magical, if admittedly arbitrary, figure of 10,000,000.  The Kat, together with Merpel, just wanted to take this opportunity to say another big "thank-you" to their readers from all around the world who have kept on visiting their blog and whose comments, criticisms and witticisms have both educated them and enriched their understanding of IP and how it works.

Thanks are also due to the many regular and guest Kats past and present, plus our occasional guest contributors, for keeping a regular flow of at least passably interesting blogposts -- and, as ever, our especial gratitude goes to the legislators, lawyers, litigants and judges whose combined efforts, for good or ill, have provided such fertile material for us to discuss.

Thank you all!

Tama the ten million dollar cat here
Tommaso the ten million euro cat here
Ten million wildcats here