ByPass Google Phone Verification! ++3 Easy Steps!----

*For this tutorial, it is required that you have a mobile device such as smart phone or ipod touch to complete.

See if your Phones compatible!


Step 1
First of all your going to need the app textPlus. Download from your app store or click below.
Step 2
Register with a valid email and to get a phone number with textPlus by clicking the top left button
and then the settings symbol. (Little Gear)
Next copy down the number you received as you will need it later.

Step 3
Head over you and click----->Sign In----->Create an Account. Or click this link
Sign up Page- Google!
Now fill in any information you want for your account and DONT enter your phone number or your current email address.
Click Next step and the phone verification will pop up.
Now, this is the important part. Put in your textPlus number and select the option of Voice Call rather then text.

[Image: VyYpwbs.jpg]

Grab your mobile device and hit Continue. You will get the call and simply enter in the numbers it tells you.


[Image: H8d43iD.png]

Success! you now have a google account with a verified cell phone.
The problem is you only have 10 cents on you account. Each call in 2 cents so thats 5 google accounts. Easy fix.
Go to your textPlus settings----->Credits----->Watch Videos/Complete Offers.
Watch videos for 2/1 cents and complete offers for a dollar or more. Have all you google accounts you want!

This tutorial only toke like 30 minutes to write and all pictures are of my doing.

Please comment what you think Grin