How To [GUIDE] Ranking a Parasite Page

Hello guys,

First of all, I'm not sure if this belongs here or in another forum (either WH SEO or tuts and guides) so if it's the wrong forum, kindly move it without warning me.

Second of all, I've found this HQ guide and thought it should be shared to all members.

Anyways, here you go... (Credits go to SudoRank)

Authority is everything these days, new websites take months to rank and even then a simple negative seo attack is all that’s needed to stop a fledgling site in its tracks.

It doesn’t have to be like this, instead of ranking your money site imagine if you could rank other pages with you content on them, authority sites that can be spammed to high heaven with no problem.

•••Behold, Parasite Pages!•••

Essentially, a parasite page is one that you have created on an authority domain, it could be:

A YouTube Video
Blogger Blog Blog
A local business directory with great reviews
All parasite pages have the following in common, you will spam them! And 99% of the time they will rank!
[Image: liam-neeson.jpg]

•••Tools For The Job•••

To start you’re going to need a few tools and resources:

GSA Search Engine Ranker
GSA Captcha Breaker
Buy Proxies

•••Getting The On-Page SEO Right•••

With my personal parasite method, on-page SEO is EVERYTHING – I don’t use anchor text and certainly don’t expect my anchor text to alert Google to the keyword I want to rank.

For this reason you need to ensure your parasite page has:

The title to be the keyword you want to rank for
If it’s a blog add 500 words of content including some images / videos etc etc
If it’s a local business directory ensure it has plenty of good reviews on it
When you’re setting up a web 2.0 page be sure to fill out everything even the stuff you think is no use! It all helps IMHO.

•••Adding Links To Your Own Website Links And Making Them Stick•••

This is often where it can get tricky. What you don’t want is to have your parasite page banned for spamming – far better for it to hang around for the long haul ehh?…

Personally, I do the following:

Local business directory ( in the United Kingdom is the best especially for local results)
YouTube – It’s easy to reference your website on your channel and within the video, not a big deal
Buzzfeed – Very hard indeed, you have to go very gentle to make this work IMHO
WordPress / Blogger – Not a big deal at all, stick the links in, makes your money, simple
I’m a big fan of YouTube and rather than article style websites. I’ve never tried but it could be worth a go.

•••How To Setup GSA•••

There are basically two trains of thought with exactly how to build parasite links:

•Bend over your parasite and give it a good thrashing: Spam it with backlinks (churn and burn)
•Be gentle, caress your parasite and make it feel loved: tiered link building

The great thing about a parasite page is that it’s authority will trump any Google ban! You can get away with crazy link building to a parasite page without any SEO worries whatsoever.

Either way, when using GSA, be sure to follow these golden rules:

•Diversify anchor texts, no more than 5% exact
•Try to push the article links more than anything else, seems to work better

•••Link Housekeeping•••

One important note to make is that when your parasite is ranked you’ll need to occasionally top the site up with new links.

Depending on your setup this maintenance should only take an hour a week.

•••What About The 1% When It Doesn’t Work?•••

Sometimes you’ll have done everything right and your parasite just won’t rank.

I’m not 100% sure why this happens, perhaps a manual review happens or you trip an algorithm? Who knows?

The most important thing is not to give up straight away. Sometimes it’s taken me two times within the same niche to get a parasite to rank.

What I’m trying to say is that like all SEO, it’s not an exact science. Every so often you’ll build a dud, it’s part of the game, move on.

•••Job Resources•••

GSA Search Engine Ranker
GSA Captcha Breaker
Buy Proxies

Finally, I hope everyone likes this guide and find it helpful, enjoy