[IMacros] AddMeFast Bot For Facebook Likes/Follow/Postlikes Without Being Banned

Hello Guys,
                       [Image: Ic12QkE.gif]
Inspired by RushingWinds scripts, I made a "Facebook Proof" Script for the most used Facebook actions on AddMeFast:

- Facebook Like
- Facebook Follow
- Facebook Post Like

The problem with facebook (and my, non verified accounts) was, that facebook bans your account after doing any of the 3 actions in the script too fast in a row. So I made this to cheat facebook...

I tested it now with 3 accounts -> No bans for any of the 3 actions (Like/Follow/Postlike)

The Script does: 

1) Do 31 Facebook Likes
2) Do 31 Facebook Follows
3) Do 31 Facebook Postlikes
--> Repeat this process if loop is set

Script on Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/view/naoob0zzlo...STLIKE.iim

Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/de/file/1e9a2...394895692/


1) Firefox
2) iOPus iMacros Add-On for firefox

If you dont know how to get it, please use google :) 


1) Download the Mediafire .iim and place them in 
C:\Users\Your User Name\Documents\iMacros\Macros

2) restart firefox, be sure being logged in with facebook account and addmefast account.

3) Set loop to the count you want and play the macro.
(tested it till now with loop of 300 only because being banned on Addmefast too often by generating Points too fast - I HATE THE WEBMASTER OF AMF FOR THAT -.-' till now 12.000 Points lost because of that)

Tip: Deactivate the grafics in firefox for more performance. You do it by typing "about:config" into your addressbar. Search for "permissions.default.image" and set it from '1' to '2'...(no restart in FF required).

Hope that helps you a littke bit ;)