Ranking YouTube Videos with GSA SER 2014

Probably you are looking for a tutorial on how to rank YouTube Videos with GSA Search Engine Ranker. Well, there is no rocket science involved in ranking a video on YouTube. All you have to do is to enter a bunch of keywords, your main URL and press the enter button of GSA SER. These days,  waiting period has slowed down the things but still GSA get the shit ranked.
ranking youtube videos with GSA SER
Let’s first clear some things before we proceed. Those who say you can’t rank anything with SER are lying. Those who says GSA SER can’t be used for tier 1 don’t know how to use it. Those saying SER is dead are wrong.. Actually they are dead not the SER. Now we have cleared up this BS, let’s get back to ranking.

You will need the following things:

  1. GSA SER
  2. GSA Captcha Breaker
  3. A VPS
  4. Some proxies
  5. A verified list [for speeding up the things]

I listed these things just for the sake of mentioning. Chances are you already have setup these things and only looking for some guidance. 

Now some people prefer to go with tiered link building method and some go direct. I am somewhere in the middle between them. I do some tiered, some direct and some 301 redirects too. You can follow the exact blueprint I use:

Step 1: In this step, I start with doing just around 100-200 links per day. I add 1000+ keywords list and set GSA SER to search and post. Filters include “PR1+” and max OBL of  “70″. I let it keep running for at least 2-3 days. Then i stop and move to step 2.

Step 2:  After the 2-3 days, I start blasting direct with no limits or anything like that. Only 1 link on 1 domain [GSA offers an option to post on same site again and again. I don't use it]. This is where the power comes into play. You just keep spamming and spamming like there is no tomorrow. Upward link velocity is a must have in this stage otherwise you will get burned. For anchor texts, it is usually around 30% money anchors and remaining naked url, generic etc.

Step 3: Assuming you are constantly building links and it is now 6-7 days. This is where I do 301 redirects. You can go to url shortner sites and create 301 for your YouTube video. Some of the popular ones are goo.gl, bit.ly, tinyurl etc. I think you get the idea. Create 10-20 301 redirects and start spamming them also.

Now we are in a stage where you are blasting your video directly and also with 301′s. Now you got to keep doing it till you rank! Now some people will get discouraged and stop after not seeing results. If you are one of those then Churn and Burn is not for you! Keep patience and keep building links… Remember to stop the project we made in step 2 every once in a while and set it to re-verify. 

Step 4: Keep doing the step 2 and step 3 and don’t stop. Now create a project containing contextual engines. Embed your videos in the articles and start blasting. My tests have shown that video embeds plays an important role in ranking YouTube Videos with mass spam.

Keep doing step 2,3,4 till you rank. This is what I personally use and rank in highly competitive niches. if you are in some low or medium competition, you may rank in matter of days.

Now stop searching for “Ranking YouTube Videos with GSA SER”. Get back to work!

Till the next time!