VMworld 2014 Predictions, Advice and Must-See Events — a Recap of Our August #cloudtalk

We wanted to know what you were craving to see at VMworld 2014. So, on August 12th, we hosted our pre-VMworld #cloudtalk to discuss what sessions you�re planning on attending and what you think will happen at this year�s conference. With vExperts Dave Hill (@davehill99) and Barry Coombs (@VirtualisedReal) hosting, we knew it was going […]]> We wanted to know what you were craving to see at VMworld 2014. So, on August 12th, we hosted our pre-VMworld #cloudtalk to discuss what sessions you�re planning on attending and what you think will happen at this year�s conference. With vExperts Dave Hill (@davehill99) and Barry Coombs (@VirtualisedReal) hosting, we knew it was going to be a great discussion.

Our #cloudtalk kicked off with a simple question: �What are you looking forward to at VMworld 2014?

VMworld alum @KongYang said he�s looking forward to the knowledgeable people because, �The people make the event special.� @_stump agreed, saying he only knows people by their Twitter handles. For those who will be attending this year�s VMworld, our 4th annual #cloudtalk Tweetup at 111 Minna on August 27 from 5 – 8 pm is the perfect opportunity to meet people in person!

We then asked participants, �What are your �can�t-miss� sessions at this year�s VMworld?�

@j_hosee said he�s looking forward to any expert-led session, all of which fill up fast. @vlcoudmatt said he can�t wait for the �SDDC: Buzzword to Reality,� but that might just be because he�s so eager to host the panel! Our own hosts, @davehill99 and @VirtualisedReal suggested �Hybrid Sandboxing� with @jjhollywood and @rpary and �View Troubleshooting — Looking Under The Hood,� respectively.

But of course, it wouldn�t be VMworld without VMworld community events. So we asked which community event our #cloudtalk followers are most looking forward to.

@VirtualisedReal, said he�d recommend the blogger community lounge to meet with some great people while @KongYang said he�s anticipating the vBacon, vFlipCup and other VMware community events.

Since we had some VMware veterans onboard, we decided it�d be a great time to ask what advice VMworld veterans would give to VMworld newbies.

@ccolotti had three pieces of advice for newcomers: get a lay of the VMworld land over the weekend, wear comfortable shoes and stay hydrated! @davehill99 suggested that attendees get to sessions early because they fill up fast, �even if you have registered.� If you�re a talker, @mpoore suggested grabbing a few throat sweets to help you keep on talking. @VirtualisedReal helpfully reminds us to remember our business cards for business opportunities and for the numerous competitions going on throughout the show floor.

Then, we asked what our #cloudtalk participants were predicting for VMworld 2014.

@VirtualisedReal predicted that everything will come together with �lots of integration, collaboration and hybrid everything!� We think so too.

Host @VirtualisedReal had his own question for #cloudtalk followers: �what do you want to get out of VMworld 2014?

The question drew a lot of feedback, ranging from �what options do I have for protecting my vSphere environment in a DR scenario,� to, � How can I get the most out of my existing virtual environment?� @VirtualisedReal summarized all of the chat responses in a handy doodle. Check it out:

Finally, we rounded off the chat by asking participants, �What is your most memorable VMworld moment?

@ccolotti said his was giving out �Chris Consulting� in a group discussion, but for @davehill99, it was doing a Forest Gump impression during a question and answer session.

Thank you to everyone who listened or participated in our #cloudtalk! We hope it got you as excited for VMworld as we are, and we look forward seeing you at VMworld 2014!

Till then, feel free to tweet us at our @vCloud handle with any questions or feedback for our next #cloudtalk.

from VMware Blogs http://bit.ly/1q53FJz