A bug captures the Ubuntu boot with Nvidia Optimus, here's how to fix it

A bug captures the Ubuntu boot with Nvidia Optimus, here's how to fix it

was reported a serious bug that prevents proper Ubuntu boot on systems with Nvidia Optimus, here's how to fix it

Nvidia Optimus
In recent years we have seen significant improvements in hardware support dock in Linux. Thanks to the arrival of the Steam client for Linux, the proprietary drivers from Nvidia and AMD and Intel open source have achieved performance similar to Microsoft Windows, also in Ubuntu are also Prime tool that allows you to improve support for Nvidia Optimus. Nvidia Prime as well as facilitating the installation of the support for the Optimus technology allows the user to quickly switch between the integrated and dedicated graphics card in addition to a variety of optimizations. Some users with Nvidia Optimus based systems using Ubuntu or a derivative reported a bug that blocks the opening of the desktop environment creating many problems.

Fortunately, the developer Canonical are already working to correct this serious bug (I remember there was only some user). To solve the problem once started Ubuntu (in theory you should see a black screen), just click CTRL + ALT + F1 to log in and type:

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-drivers-common = 1: nvidia-common = 1:
sudo reboot

if everything is correct on reboot should restart our desktop environment or window manager without problems.

I thank our reader Fabio C. for reporting and blog WebUpd8 source of the article.