AMD Catalyst 14.9 available for Linux


AMD Catalyst 14.9 available for Linux

AMD has officially released the new Catalyst 14.9 proprietary drivers that include support for Ubuntu 04.14 LTS Trusty and new graphics cards R9 285.

AMD Catalyst 14.9
AMD has finally begun to seriously consider Linux, providing an excellent support with proprietary drivers and updated to include significant improvements especially regarding open source drivers. Just at this time the company's Sunnyvale has announced the release of the new AMD Catalyst 14.9 driver for Linux, update that brings with it (finally) support for Ubuntu 04.14 LTS Trusty (still supports also the future release 14:10 Utopic Unicorn) and the previous 12.04.4 LTS, OpenSUSE 13.1, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Suite 7.0 / 6.5 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP3.

Note also that the new AMD Catalyst 14.9 proprietary drivers also include support for new graphics cards AMD Radeon GPU R9 285 with Tonga.
For more information on the new AMD Catalyst 14.9 driver and to learn about the supported graphics cards just consult the release notes available on this page.

The new AMD Catalyst 14.9 drivers are available for Linux directly from the official website of AMD, alternatively we can install new proprietary drivers in Ubuntu and Ubuntu software thanks to the AMD Catalyst Install (for more information).

AMD Catalyst 14.9 available for Linux