China’s Baidu announces the Eye, a Google Glass rival

Baidu is a search services giant from China, and has been operating on the hardware scene since the past few years. It is but natural for people to compare it to Google, but if that isn't the case for you yet, it might change soon. The newest product from the Baidu stable -- the Baidu Eye -- is a direct rival to the Google Glass. Google services and products in China are hardly accessible, unless you know how to leap over the Great Wall of China, and the Great Firewall of China. That's exactly what Baidu will hope to cash in on. The USP of this device is the ability to recognize voice commands and objects that fall in the periphery of this device's photo sensor. Unlike the Google Glass, though, it doesn't have a module that protrudes in front of your eye. Rather, it conveniently sits on the side of your head. With Google gradually phasing the rollout of its beta or 'Explorer Edition' Google Glass, Baidu will hope to put the device in the market to get a bit of a heads up on the American company. Via

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