Chrome 38 Beta, arrival in the Guest mode, HTML 5.1 and more

Chrome 38 Beta, arrival in the Guest mode, HTML 5.1 and more

The new version number of Chrome 38 will include the new guest mode, HTML 5.1, and much more.

Chrome - Multi User Manager
A few days after the release of Google Chrome 37, the developers are already working on the next version number 38, which will include interesting news. The main new features included in Chrome 38 are several enhancements relating to the multi-user support (we can already test it by following this guide) that will allow us to quickly switch between different user via a simple link in the title bar. Together with the new manager multi-user, arrives in the new Google Chrome 38 Guest mode with which we can navigate to a friend or colleague without being able to see our bookmarks, passwords etc..

Google Chrome 38 also improves access to Incognito mode now much simpler and more intuitive for new developers with the element "picture" correlated with HTML 5.1 that will greatly improve how reponsive.
Important also affect Linux, developer Google has fixed several bugs found mainly in KDE also improving support for Wallet software dedicated to the management of passwords.

We can already test Google Chrome 38 Beta in Linux, Windows and Mac by downloading the deb package / rpm from this page.