Debian: how to install the update manager

Debian: how to install the update manager

In this simple guide we will see how to properly install the update manager (update-notifier) in Debian.

the update manager in Debian
In recent days we have seen how to install Debian Stable, Testing or Sid using the network installation or Netinstall, type of installation much appreciated by users. Debian Netinstall allows us to have an updated operating system post-installation already includes several applications such as Iceweasel browser, office suite LibreOffice etc.. In my case I installed Debian Testing (Jessie 8.0) with both XFCE and Gnome desktop environment, at the end of the installation I noticed that is inserted by default the update manager.
The update manager is a very important tool because it indicates any available updates, starting the procedure with a simple click (which can also perform common terminal with the classic apt-get update and apt-get upgrade)

We can install the update manager (update-notifier) in Debian by typing in a terminal:

For Debian with GNOME desktop environment, XFCE, LXDE, Cinnamon, Mate etc. just type:
sudo apt-get install update-notifier
For Debian with KDE desktop just type:
sudo apt-get install update-notifier-kde
Once installed just launch the update manager from the menu.
Preferences can also be set when to check for new updates: daily, weekly, etc.