Difference Between Linux and Windows Based Web Hosting

Many people get confused while choosing web hosting. This is very genuine because everyone wants the best. If you are also planning to purchasing web hosting and you are also feeling confuse between these.
We are going to share with you some difference between Windows and Linux based web hosting. After reading these difference you will be understand the concept behind Windows and Linux Web hosting as well it will help you to choose your work based hosting.

Below are Difference:
  • Windows servers run Plesk and Linux servers run cPanel. Many people like Linux because of cPanel.
  • Linux supplies telnet or ssh access. it’s not that Windows can’t do that, but it’s very rarely offered by hosting admins.
  • Some people may site FrontPage extensions as a Windows exclusive feature, but some Linux servers will provide this as well.
  • Linux, file and directory names are case sensitive. So if you name a file AboutUs.html, and another page in the same directory as aboutus.html, you actually will have to completely different pages. Your visitors will have to enter your page URLs precisely or risk landing on 404 error pages. Windows servers however really don’t care about upper and lowercase. On a Windows server, you would only have one aboutus.html page, no matter where you put or left out capitalization.
  • The website uses a dynamic scripting technology such as ASP (A Microsoft based technology), or PHP / PERL (Linux based technologies). A Windows-based hosting solution will run a Microsoft Windows server with IIS (Internet Information Server), and is necessary to run an ASP / ASP.NET scripted website. A Linux-based platform is typically used for PHP, Perl, and most other types of websites. Basically, unless your website uses ASP (pages ending in the .asp extention), Windows hosting is not necessary. Unless you have websites which need specific Windows applications, Linux is the preferred choice.

Below are some Specification difference between Linux and Windows Hosting:

Windows applications which require a Windows server:
  • ASP Classic
  • MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
  • MS Access (Microsoft Access)
  • Visual Basic Development
  • C#
  • Remote Desktop (dedicated server only)
Applications that require a Linux-based server.
  • SSH
  • FrontPage Extensions
  • Scripts or applications that require specific Apache modules
Type of Control Panel : Windows servers and Linux servers use different control panels.
  • cPanel is available on all Linux-based hosting plans, such as Linux Shared, Reseller, VPS and Linux Dedicated Servers.
  • WHM (Web Host Manager) is available on Linux Reseller, VPS and Dedicated Servers.
  • Plesk is available on Windows Shared and Dedicated Servers.
Although people consider Linux to be more secure than Windows, both operating systems are equally secure. Security really depends more upon the server setup and the administrators running the server.

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