Download Statistics Indicator PPA in Ubuntu and derivatives

Download Statistics Indicator PPA in Ubuntu and derivatives

Download Statistics ndicator PPA is a useful applet to check for new updates in Ubuntu PPA favorite panel.

Download Statistics Indicator PPA in Ubuntu
There are many users who use PPA / repository third party within its distribution. The PPA repositories are maintained by third-party developers and ordinary users through Launchpad service, developed by Canonical that allows you to install and update applications are not included in the official repositories or other updates. Being maintained by users and developers it is said that the arrival of new applications or updates in a PPA is constant, we can still check for new packages directly from our panel applet with PPA Indicator Download Statistics.

Download Statistics PPA Indicator is a simple open source applet that allows us to have constantly updated information about our favorite PPA. We can control one or more daily PPA, check for new packages or updates specific to our distribution with the ability to filter the results and manage one or more third-party repositories.

The PPA Indicator applet Download Statistics supports both Unity that the major desktop environments such as Xfce, LXDE, Gnome Shell, Cinnamon, KDE, etc., preferences, as well as the management of the PPA, there is the ability to customize the number of results to display in the 'applet, include filters (for example, if we follow the update of a single application) and so on.

Install PPA Indicator Download Statistics
To install Indicator Download Statistics PPA in Ubuntu and just type in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa: thebernmeister / indicator-ppa-download-statistics
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-ppa-download-statistics
and confirm. Once installed, just start PPA Indicator Download Statistics from the menu.

To remove PPA Indicator Download Statistics just type:

sudo apt-get remove indicator-ppa-download-statistics
sudo add-apt-repository ppa r: thebernmeister / indicator-ppa-download-statistics
sudo apt-get update
and we remove the applet from our distribution.